So, the other day I had the following conversation with Scott:
Me: "Isn't it interesting that I have posted more food posts on my Insta/Blog pages? I didn't think I would have much to say on that front."
Scott: "Well, that's because you only drink water and wine."
...Not the point I was making, Scott...but thanks for pointing that out...
Then I cut him out of the conversation (bless his heart for trying) and thought about it some more. It makes complete sense. It is a simple equation (and I don't do math, ask anyone who has taken one of my FLOW classes or anyone on my team at Snagajob). It all goes back to the saying: "Abs are made in the kitchen."
Let's make sure we are all on the same page here.
- diet - I'm not referring to a fad diet that cuts carbs, fats and sugars. I'm referring to a lifestyle and focusing on healthy carbs, fats, and sugars. This should be a lifestyle focus and not just for a set amount of time. Giving your body the amount of protein, veggies, fruits, and healthy carbs and fats it needs is the foundation of toning your body. That being said, a lifestyle diet should include balance, let yourself eat that piece of pizza, ice cream, have yourself a glass of wine - the key is to not have the majority of your diet focused on processed and "unhealthy" foods. I have found that the balance I like for my body is to eat healthy and cut alcohol during the week (duh, I still treat myself to some chocolate covered almonds!), but to enjoy my pizza and wine on a Friday night, and dig into some fries or cheese... oooo or even better bacon cheese fries... on Saturday.
- exercise - get out there and move! Walk, hike, run, bike, yoga, pilates, or go to a group fitness class. Work up a sweat once a day. It doesn't have to be strenuous. Mix up your workouts, if you typically focus on cardio, add in some weighted exercises or strength focused classes to get those muscles toned. Most importantly, whatever your choice of exercise is, you need to account for additional calories in your lifestyle diet. Eating less, isn't more when it comes to making your body a lean and toned machine.
What the hell is my point? You can't do one without the other and get results. It is a combination of the two with a heavier focus on your lifestyle diet. You can exercise nonstop and never see results if you are not properly fueling your body with the nutrients, calories, and water it needs to recover from your workouts. Oh yeah, the whole reason I even started this post... clearly, if the equation truly is 70% diet and 30% exercise, no wonder I have so much more to say about food.
So, what are we waiting for? For shits and giggles, let's get to sharing our favorite healthy eats AND our not so healthy "balance" eats.
{I write this as I eat a handful of chocolate covered almonds and a glass of sparkling rose in my hand. Stop looking at me with those judgey eyes.}